We are working with Forestry Commission Scotland to research and survey ground earmarked for new woodland planting in the Kilpatrick Hills and Campsie Fells. Working in close co-operation with the foresters we are identifying key archaeological and historical sites to ensure they are safeguarded within their planting design. Options are also being explored for using these sites as waymarkers within an amenity access network, opening up the potential for interpreting these safeguarded monuments.
The Scottish Government's aim is to increase woodland cover from 17% to 25% by 2050, with the control of creating woodland largely outside the planning system. The UK Forestry Standard and best practice guidance stress that such expansion must be achieved in a way that values our Historic Environment.
Our work with commercial foresters, woodland trusts and Forestry Commission Scotland ensures practical baseline information on the Historic Environment informs their designs in a cost-effective manner. We also propose ways of using the Historic Environment through added value initiatives so our clients show compliance with forestry standards and best practice, helping to build a sustainable forest products industry.

The Scottish Government's aim is to increase woodland cover from 17% to 25% by 2050, with the control of creating woodland largely outside the planning system.